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"The disciplines of hardware and software engineering have always been intertwined and symbiotic - like the yin and yang of some bizarre abstract beast. Software cannot exist without hardware to execute it, of course, and most hardware today is designed in the service of software. The vast majority of systems being designed today involve a mix of both elements working together, with software steadily inheriting more and more of the complexity load.

Let’s think about that for a minute..."

Follow the link to read the full article.


At the DVCon conference in Santa Clara in April, Brian Bailey of Semiconductor Engineering hosted a round table discussion on the state of EDA and the opportunities for new startups to grow and succeed.  Imperas CEO and OVP founder, Simon Davidmann was part of the discussion.

EDA Startup Panelists

Other participants were Bill Neifert, chief technology officer at Carbon Design Systems; Randy Smith, vice president of marketing for Sonics; and Michel Courtoy, vice president of marketing and business development for Kilopass Technology.

The discussion is being reported in 3 posts by Brian. There are links to them below.

In a snippet from…

Recently Electronic Engineering Journal (EEJournal)'s Jim Turley wrote an interesting article on Imperas and the view that Imperas takes regarding software development.

"... Imperas thinks that programmers, as a class and as a profession, could stand to learn a few hard lessons from their colleagues over on the hardware side of the house. Specifically, the SoC and ASIC designers. Now those guys have got their stuff together. You could learn a few things from them. So what do the hardware guys do that the software people don’t? They simulate, mostly. They simulate the..."

"... The idea is that you simulate your code running on a simulated processor with simulated peripherals and simulated APIs. Everything runs on a standard x86-based PC; the more CPU cores it has, the…

Imperas Extendable Platform Kit Accelerates Development for Recore Many-Core Hardware and Software Program

Oxford, United Kingdom, 2 April 2015 - Imperas Software Ltd. (, the leader in high-performance software simulation, announced that Recore Systems has selected Imperas for virtual platform based software development tools.  Recore is building a new many core hardware platform for various applications, including embedded vision.  Recore was able to get started quickly by using an Extendable Platform Kit™ (EPK™) from Imperas. 

The FlexaWare platform (, new from Recore Systems…

One of the hottest topics in embedded systems today is security and safety. And one of the ways to address security and safety concerns is by using hypervisors and/or secure operating systems, and by specifically adding security into embedded software. To facilitate these techniques, Imagination Technologies added in hardware virtualization instructions – the VZ extensions – to the...

To read the blog, please visit the Imagination Blog Site.


Founding members of the Security PEG include Broadcom, CUPP Computing, Elliptic Technologies, Ikanos, Imagination Technologies, Imperas Software, Ingenic, Kernkonzept, Lantiq (recently acquired by Intel), Qualcomm Atheros, Inc., Seltech, and others.

In March 2015, the prpl Foundation, an open-source non-profit foundation focused on enabling next-generation datacenter-to-device portable software and virtualized architectures, today announced the formal organization of its Security PEG (prpl Engineering Group). The formation of the Security PEG follows months of intensive planning by a subset of prpl members dedicated to defining an open security framework for deploying secured and authenticated virtualized services in the IoT and…

Comments on Imperas Software, Green Hills Software announcments about how their support with models and tools boost Imagaination's MIPS architecture and move its ecosystem forward.

Follow the link to read the full article.



Imperas Virtual Platform Products Provide Interface to Imagination Codescape Debugger

Oxford, United Kingdom, 23 February 2015 - Imperas™ is releasing the Open Virtual Platforms™ (OVP™) Fast Processor Models for the MIPS Warrior P-class and M-class CPU IP cores from Imagination Technologies.  Example virtual platforms are also being released, as well as support for the cores in the Imperas M*SDK™ advanced software development tools.  In addition, the Imperas M*SDK and M*DEV™ products support the use of the Imagination Codescape Debugger for embedded software debug and development.

The processor core models and example platforms are available from the Open Virtual Platforms website, www.…

This week it was announced that Magillem has been working with Imperas on tools for Virtual Platforms.

Daniel Payne of SemiWiki covered it here at SemiWiki.

The X-Spec tool from Magillem will generate hardware and software code based on specifications, creating System C TLM code and embedded C code. Models come from Imperas using OVP technology.

The full press release can be found here on EDACafe.

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