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Imperas in the News

Has simulation performance stagnated and what is the industry doing to correct it?

Semiconductor Engineering



Without functional simulation the semiconductor industry would not be where it is today, but some people in the industry contend it hasn’t received the attention and research it deserves, causing a stagnation in performance. Others disagree, noting that design sizes have increased by orders of magnitude while design times have shrunk, pointing to…

Demand for big-iron tools is insatiable as complexity continues to grow.

Semiconductor Engineering


As semiconductor complexity continues to escalate, so does the reliance on hardware-assisted simulation, emulation, and prototyping.
Since chip design first began, engineers have complained their design goals exceeded the capabilities of the tools. This is especially evident in verification and debug, which continue to dominate the design cycle. Big-iron…

Models enable automation and optimization, but today the need for new and more complex models is outstripping the ability to ratify and standardize those models?

Semiconductor Engineering


Models are critical for IC design. Without them, it’s impossible to perform analysis, which in turn limits optimizations.
Those optimizations are especially important as semiconductors become more heterogenous, more customized, and as they are integrated into larger systems…

Imperas proprietary simulation technology and reference models for the Arm 64bit cores now integrated within the IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm v8-A

IAR Systems Selects Imperas Models for Arm 64bit

Oxford, UK – May 26th, 2021 – Imperas Software Ltd., the leader in virtual platforms and high-performance software simulation, today announced IAR Systems, the future-proof supplier of software tools and services for embedded development, has selected the Imperas ARM model AArch64 Armv8-A as…

EDA has been more successful creating open languages and standards rather than promoting open-source collaboration. Will this change?

Semiconductor Engineering


Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering discussed what open source verification means today and what it should evolve into with Jean-Marie Brunet, senior director for the Emulation Division at Siemens EDA; Ashish Darbari, CEO of

Successful utilization of machine learning within EDA cannot happen without confidence in the quality of results. That presents challenges.

Semiconductor Engineering


Is EDA a suitable space for utilizing machine learning (ML)? The answer depends on a number of factors, including where exactly it is being applied, how much support there is from the industry, and whether there are demonstrable advantages.
Exactly where ML will play a role has yet to be decided…

Does RISC-V processor verification provide common ground to develop a new verification methodology, and will that naturally lead to new and potentially open tools?

Semiconductor Engineering


SE: Open source enables collaboration. Until now, no two companies have used the same verification methodology. RISC-V may be the first time that enough people have been working on a common problem to be able to devise a solution within the…

What makes a good verification engineer? It’s not always about technical expertise, and it’s rarely just about verification.

Semiconductor Engineering


The practice of semiconductor verification has changed substantially over the years, and will continue to do so. The skillset needed for functional verification 20 years ago is hardly recognizable as a verification skillset today, and the same should be expected moving forward as design and verification becomes more abstract, the boundary…

Developing these systems is just part of the challenge. Making sure they only do what they’re supposed to do may be even harder.

Semiconductor Engineering


New techniques and approaches are starting to be applied to AI and machine learning to ensure they function within acceptable parameters, only doing what they’re supposed to do.
Getting AI/ML/DL systems to work has been one of the biggest leaps in technology in recent years, but understanding how to control and optimize…