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Imperas and Industry Articles

While many companies do have verification plans, demands on those plans are changing faster than most companies can evolve.

Verification plans are rapidly evolving from mechanisms to track verification progress into multi-faceted coordination vehicles for several teams with disparate goals, using complex resource management spread across multiple abstractions and tools.

New system demands from industries such as automotive are forcing tighter integration of those plans with requirements management and product lifecycle development. As a result, today’s verification plan must encapsulate the…

Emphasis on flexibility, time to market and heterogeneity requires more processing options.

Open instruction set architectures are starting to gain a foothold, often in combination with other processors, as chipmakers begin to add more specialized compute elements and more flexibility into their designs.

There are a number of these open ISAs available today, including Power, MIPS, and RISC-V, and there are a number of permutations and tools available for sale based on those architectures. What has opened the door to making these more acceptable in designs is that one or more of these…

Complex chips require a multitude of verification platforms working in sync, and that’s where the challenges begin.

Types of Hybrid configurations

From mobile to networking to AI applications, system complexity shows no sign of slowing. These designs, which may contain multiple billion gates, must be validated, verified and tested, and it’s no longer possible to just throw the…

There may be a second chance for co-design, but the same barriers also may get in the way.

The core concepts in hardware-software co-design are getting another look, nearly two decades after this approach was first introduced and failed to catch on.

What’s different this time around is the growing complexity and an emphasis on architectural improvements, as well as device scaling, particularly for AI/ML applications. Software is a critical component, and the more tightly integrated the software, the better the power and performance. Software also adds an element of flexibility, which is…

Highlights of the second RISC-V Meetup in Cambridge, June 2019 co-hosted by UltraSoC & Imperas.

RISC-V Meetup

At our second Cambridge RISC-V Meetup recently, around 60 delegates joined UltraSoC and Imperas Software, to discuss the latest updates on the RISC-V architecture and ecosystem.

In keeping with the theme of previous events, the talks were short and crisp to act as a catalyst for more in-depth conversations during the main social and networking activities over light refreshments. The engaging presentations covered a wide…

Calling an open-source processor free isn’t quite accurate.

The RISC-V Foundation               MIPS Open


Open source processors are rapidly gaining mindshare, fueled in part by early successes of RISC-V, but that interest frequently is accompanied by misinformation based on wishful…



Zurich – Over the last year or so, we’ve heard many times that ‘this is the moment for RISC-V’. So, this week, I attended the RISC-V workshop in Zurich to get an idea of where it really is at right now. The conclusion: while there is still a lot of background work to be done for RISC-V to go mainstream, the signs are that all the triggers to make it happen are now gradually being released.

The biggest challenge is that RISC-V is still perceived as a hobbyist architecture, and this makes it difficult for mainstream companies to adopt, unless it has deep…

At each new process node, gates are free. That opens the door to a lot more IP blocks, and a lot of new challenges.

Driven by each successive generation of semiconductor manufacturing technology, complexity has reached dizzying levels. Every part of the design, verification and manufacturing is more complicated and intense the more transistors are able to be packed onto a die. For these reasons, the entire system must be taken into consideration as a whole…..

To read the article by Ann Mutschler, click…


These eight companies are developing their own RISC-V technologies and are committing to helping third parties do the same to help push adoption of the open-source chip architecture.

     Design News            The RISC-V Foundation


RISC-V (pronounced “risk five”), the open-source architecture for chip design, has been making a lot of noise in the past few years. The open source nature of RISC-V promises…